PM Fast Track Newsletter 3

2014 Apr 21, by David Kim

PM Reading List

Each week we bring you product management related reading. Not too much, not too little, just right. Mirroring the eclectic mix of upcoming events, we present a diverse bag from language you use to lead to choice of transparency about development.

Portraying Women in Product Management

Ellen Chisa

Ellen is PM at Kickstarter. “When we talk about men going into Product Management it’s framed in a completely different light.”

Four letter words

Jason Fried

Good product managers and leaders know the importance of communication and the words we choose to convey our message. “When collaborating with others – especially when designers and programmers are part of the mix – watch out for these dirty four letter words.”

Why you should build your product in public

Ryan Hoover

“Last week I created mockups of an improved comment system for Product Hunt. The design certainly wasn’t perfect. It wasn’t even complete. But I shared them anyway and am glad I did. Within 24 hours I received over 50 annotated pieces of feedback from the community.”

Why Lean Startup is bad for Gen-Y Founders

Yann Girard

This is playing devil's advocate to the prior piece. A good PM knows how to put on a good balancing act!

“That’s when I realized that the approach that Lean Startup introduced me to gave me a lot of excuses for actually not pursuing things ambitioned enough, for not being persistent enough and in the end never really getting things done and finally shipping things.”

What are you reading? Please share it with the community.

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