PMFT Digest 27 - Hangout with Us

2014 Oct 06, by David Kim

PM Reading Digest - Hangout with Us

Your weekly product management reading. The secret of getting ahead is getting started.

First, some celebrations!

Our Product Mangaement Fast Track meetup community is just about 1,300 members strong. That is amazing! It also says a lot about the interest in PM topics, and fuels our excitement in providing new opportunities to connect and learn.

We know that many of those members have not attended one of our live, in-person learning and networking events.

In an attempt to make Product Management more accessible, we are experimenting with two things this quarter, both open-sourcing efforts of sorts.

Community-Driven Meetups

PM Fast Track is now a sizeable community, and the community as a platform belongs to all of us.

Up until recently, all of the events featured on the meetup site have been sourced and organized by one of the three official organizers. For Q4, our meetup site is open to community suggestions; just go “suggest a new meetup” as a member.

If 3 or more express interest by RSVP’ing, then the meetup will become “live.”

The October 30 meetup on the topic of value using job-to-be-done, hosted by Jay Haynes, looks very interesting. That gathering is community-driven.

Online Teaching - Q&A Sessions via Hangout

Throughout October and November, we have scheduled opportunities to learn with experts via Q&A sessions on Google Hangout. And it is FREE.

Topics generally will be relevant for experienced PMs. For example, field some design and UX questions with Andi Galpern (Cascade SF founder), or discuss product Growth with Chris McCann (Startup Digest founder and now with Greylock).

Do you have a skill or experience you would like to share with other product managers? Please submit your ideas and suggestions.

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Silicon Valley and SF

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