PMFT Digest 25 - Getting Started

2014 Sep 22, by David Kim

PM Reading Digest - Getting Started

Your weekly product management reading. The secret of getting ahead is getting started.

Product Management is NOT same as running a startup.

Still, one of the key pillars of a successful startup is a great product. Besides, in previous newsletters, we talked about the importance of a building mentality and practice when it comes to modern web/mobile product mnanagement.

Many of you may have seen this, but Y Combinator's Sam Altman is teaching a course on startups at Stanford, and the content will be shared online at It promises to be a great learning experience, and a good opportunity to gain perspective for those interested in a role at a fast-growth web or mobile startups (who doesn't, right?).

Call for PM Knowledge

Sam Altman knows a lot, but I am sure some of you know a lot more about product management than he does.

Would any of you care to share your expertise with the wider community? Perhaps a low-investment 10-15 minutes of lightning lecture, or a simple Q&A session to answer questions about discipline-specific topics and skills talk?

I would love to hear from you, and to make things simple, built this form - very brief form. Check it out.

It would be awesome to post regular Google Hangout learning sessions via our community meetup page and share your knowledge.

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